Official Music

Become a Sponsor
Included with Booth Sponsorship
- Vendor Table
- Social media add
- Sample product in swag bags if desired
- Logo on one pop up graphic
Included with Platinum Sponsorship
- All of Booth Sponsorship plus
- Additional social media marketing (Include post and stories on show page)
- Company Logo will be printed on the show banner (15ft tall) which will be displayed on the stage
- Pop up graphics
- Vendors Booth.
Included with Diamond Sponsorship
- All of Platinum plus
- Vendor Booth with choice of location included* (up to 2 tables). Located in the exhibitors row, high traffic area!Every person will walk by your booth before entering the ballroom.
*First come availability or your choice of location.
Included with Presidential Sponsorship
- All of Diamond plus
- Sponsor will have full access to the show
- Logo will be printed on the trophies
- Executive seating for the show
- Choice of location for vendors table*
*First come availability or your choice of location.
Included with Executive Sponsorship
- All of Presidential plus
- Logo will be printed on overall trophies
- Logo will be printed on stage skirt graphic
- Company will have logo linked on show page
- Logo will be printed on multiple step repeat / popup graphics
- Up to 3 vendor tables
Included with Featured Sponsorship
- All of Executive plus
- Logo on Overall Awards
- Logo will be the third largest in size on banners below the PRESENTING SPONSOR
- Running ad on LED Wall
Included with Presenting Sponsorship
- All of Featured plus
- Company logo will be printed on the trophies or engraved on the back of all the medals that athletes who place will receive. (This is a detail no other Promoter offers)
- Representative of your brand will be handing awards out during finals.
- Logo will be the second biggest in size on banners next to TITLE SPONSOR
- Vendor Booth (up to 4 tables)*
- Choice of location for vendors table
- Executive seating pass for prejudging and finals are included.
*First come availability or your choice of location.
Included with Title Sponsorship
- All the above is included!
- The sponsor’s company will present the show which means they will be in the title of the event, trophy presenters, main sponsor of the event logo will be larger then the other sponsors.
- This also includes large branding on the stage skirt that will be displayed in front of the stage .
Exhibitor Floor Plan